Rebecca Frey

Coden mit Seele. Soul Coding.

Blog - Ideation by Rebecca

From time to time, I'll take you with me on my journey.

My Seelenleben Web App- Featured Shot

October 21, 2020

Web-App | React | Create | Boss | Freelance

My Seelenleben Web App

My capstone project Back when I was learning tons and tons of new things in the bootcamp, I got to put my new knowledge into practice with a dedicated captstone project. It's part of the neuefische approach of the bootcamp: First, you get about two…

The Future Is Bright- Featured Shot

October 01, 2020

Future | Plans | Struggles | Create | Boss | Freelance

The Future Is Bright

The future is bright. It's been kind of a rough ride, but then, also pretty smooth, given the circumstances. I am sitting here, typing away and counting down the very last days until I start off a new carreer. Like, very officially. Various…